Interesting facts About Weddington, North Carolina

Weddington, North Carolina

  • Union County & Part of Mecklenburg County
  • Union County School District

Weddington is part of the Sandy Ridge Township, which owes its lineage to the old militia districts which existed in the area prior to 1869.

Population: 10,101


According to the 2010 United States Census, the racial composition of Weddington was 93.4% Caucasian, 2.9% African American, 5.2% Hispanic or Latino American, 4.48% Asian American, 1.0% some other race, and 1.7% two or more races.

Resources for New HOA Community Residents

Kuester Management Group

Weddington, NC Police Department

Fire & EMS

Garbage, Recycling & Yard Waste

Animal Control


Natural Gas

Water & Sewer

Cable, Telephone & Internet

Median Income:

  • Households: $132,331
  • Families: $139,050
  • Males: $105,054
  • Females: $57,368
  • Per Capita: $48,209

Top Employers:


Just Moved To Your HOA Community in Weddington?

Weddington is a charming, community-oriented little town known for holding plenty of events that encourage residents to give back, help out, get to know one another, relax, and have fun. An annual Easter Egg Hunt is held in the spring at the Town Hall, which includes games, prizes, and even a visit from the Easter Bunny himself! The town also holds an annual tree lighting ceremony and a fall clean-up day where residents are encouraged to pitch in with their neighbors and clean up the roads within the downtown area.

Things to Do

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Bryan Kuester

Bryan Kuester

Bryan is the CEO of Kuester Management Group. He has over 15 years of managing community associations throughout North and South Carolina.

His specialties include Community Association Management - maintenance, budgeting for operational and reserve funding, long-range planning, covenant enforcement, amenity management, onsite management, large scale management.