Want to be our Partner?
The best vendors are partners that become part of our strategy to offer exceptional service and are proud to be associated with our organization.
For a new vendor it’s important to build a relationship with your point of contact and open the lines of communication. Getting to know each other, including understanding each other’s needs, expectations, preferred method of communication and best times to meet, this will save hours of lost time and frustration in the future.
Let’s get to know each other, including developing an understanding for each of our needs, expectations, preferred method of communication, and meeting preferences. This communication will save hours of lost time and future frustrations.
Who and where do I send my bill to?
All invoices should be emailed to The “Bill to: ” section of the invoice should include the association name.
What format of invoices will you accept?
When sending invoices through email, they must be in PDF format.
Can I submit multiple invoices in one email?
Yes, as long as each invoice is a separate PDF.
Who can I contact to inquire about payment?
Please reach out to with any inquires about your payment.
Have you filed my 1099 form?
1099 forms are mailed to the address on record and filed prior to 1/31

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