Ushering in Spring in the HOA

The weather is finally starting to take a turn toward warmer temperatures in the Carolinas, and families are anxious to enjoy more time outdoors. This can be a wonderful opportunity to bring members together to celebrate and socialize. But first, there’s a little spring cleaning that probably needs to be done.

Check the grounds. Though winter was fairly mild this year, there has still been plenty of rain and wind that has blown through. Check for any damage to trees or shrubs that may not have been evident before. Pick up fallen branches and large sticks that may be laying around. Also, inspect community buildings for any repairs that may be necessary, especially to roofs, gutters, sitting areas, lighting, and walkways.

Spruce up the landscape. Now is the time to start planning for spring and summer flowers and revitalizing the lawn. Talk to the landscaping company about scheduling and when they aim to work on different parts of the community. You may need to alert members about when to avoid the grass or if certain areas will be temporarily off limits for maintenance.

Power wash dirt away. This includes not only mildew on buildings but also the grime that has accumulated on playgrounds and other structures. Make sure kids have a clean, safe place to play. Double check for any cracks, broken or missing parts, or other damage to play areas. Consider replacing ground cover as well, whether it’s mulch or rubber matting depending on how well it has stood up to time and the weather.

Prep the pool. Many communities open their pools around Memorial Day, so now is the time to schedule servicing from the pool company, give the area a good scrub down, and make sure equipment is in proper working order. It takes a few days to prepare the water as well, so plan ahead so it doesn’t delay the pool opening.

Provide valuable reminders. With warmer weather on the way, does the HOA have rules in place about outdoor décor, furniture, toys, or plants? Devote a section of the newsletter to reminding homeowners about expectations and how they can enjoy the spring while still maintaining compliance.

Plan activities. Start organizing now for spring and summer activities such as egg hunts, movie nights, barbeques, end of school parties, and other social gatherings. Give homeowners plenty of advanced notice and opportunities to get involved. Don’t wait until the last minute to try to throw something together.

Preparing for spring can be an exciting time in the community, and the HOA should be ready for the influx of activity that warmer weather brings. Everyone can work together to create a safe, fun environment for all. Contact Kuester to find out how we can help the HOA plan and prepare no matter the season.

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Bryan Kuester

Bryan Kuester

Bryan is the CEO of Kuester Management Group. He has over 15 years of managing community associations throughout North and South Carolina.

His specialties include Community Association Management - maintenance, budgeting for operational and reserve funding, long-range planning, covenant enforcement, amenity management, onsite management, large scale management.