Every homeowners association is governed by a Board of Directors. HOA Board members all have a say in shaping the direction of the community, and they all have the chance to vote on different agenda items. With that said, there are also officer-level positions within the Board, and each officer has their own list of duties and responsibilities.
At the top of the organization is the HOA Board President, who is in charge of a long list of duties. What’s the basic job description of the Association President? And what makes a good HOA President? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at this crucial position, which can really have a major impact on the shape and direction of the HOA.
What Do Board Presidents Do?
To understand the role of the HOA Board President, it may be helpful to think of the typical corporate hierarchy. The HOA Board President is sort of like the Chief Executive Officer, setting a vision for the HOA Board and directing other Board members in the execution of that vision.

It’s important to note that the specific responsibilities of the Board President may vary a little bit between community associations. To learn about the duties of your specific HOA Board President, take a look at your community association’s governing documents.
As a general rule of thumb, the HOA President may be tasked with all of the following:
- Schedule, attend, and direct all HOA Board meetings, and carry out meeting agendas.
- Serve as the main point of contact between the homeowners association and the HOA management company.
- Sign important documents on behalf of the association.
- Call for votes and announce results.
- Appoint committees comprised of fellow Board members or HOA residents.
- Act as the mouthpiece or spokesperson of the HOA Board, and by extension of the entire community.
- Serve as a liaison with third-party vendors, including the HOA attorney.
- Co-sign checks, alongside the HOA treasurer and/or secretary
- Oversee day-to-day operations within the community
What About the HOA Board Vice President?
As you consider the roles of different Board members, it may be clarifying to examine the role of the Vice President.
The Vice President shares many basic leadership and managerial duties with the HOA President. In fact, the Vice President may assume the President’s duties should the President ever be unable to discharge them.
The Vice President may also be tasked with maintaining order during the meeting, guiding fruitful discussion between Board members, and ensuring compliance with parliamentary procedures.
In some communities, the HOA Vice President may be tasked by the President with additional duties and responsibilities, or leadership of certain committees. More broadly, the HOA Vice President serves to help and support the President.
How Do You Become the HOA President or HOA Vice President?
As you look at the different duties of these Board members, and as you wonder whether you might be well-equipped to serve in these roles, it can be helpful to understand exactly how Board presidents are chosen.
It’s usually wise to begin by serving on the Board of Directors, getting a feel for how it runs and how it interfaces with the HOA management company.
If you decide that you’d like to serve as the President of your community association, you can put your name on the ballot. Different communities have slightly different guidelines for how their elections are held, but suffice to say that serving as Board President will generally require you to be duly elected by the other members of the Board. The same goes with HOA Vice President.
How Much Will You Make as the HOA President?
One of the most common misconceptions about serving on the HOA Board is that it can help you make supplemental income.
This is typically not the case. Yes, there are some HOAs that pay their Board members, but these associations are very much the exception to the rule. It is much more common for Board members to serve on a purely voluntary basis. Many HOAs go as far as to prohibit paying those who serve on the Board. You can check your community’s governing documents for specifics.
The bottom line: Serving on the Board can be highly rewarding, and acting as President especially so. Don’t do it for the money, though; do it to make a real difference in your community.

What are the Traits of a Good President?
Would you make a good HOA executive? As you contemplate taking on the duties of the President, consider some of the qualities that tend to be invaluable for the role.
- You’re willing to learn. Serving as the President of your HOA requires you to have a lot of knowledge about governing documents, meeting procedures, financial records, and more. Crucially, though, you don’t have to be an expert on Day One. You just need to have a student mindset, and to be willing to stay curious and keep learning throughout the process.
- You’re a fast responder. Responsiveness is key. After all, HOA executives tend to have a lot of items on their plate, many of which are time-sensitive. Make sure you’re able to respond to requests, questions, or issues as they are raised.
- You’re a natural mediator. Sooner or later, there will be disputes that arise between Board members, or between residents. These disputes can get heated, but the President’s job is to broker peace and guide civil, respectful discussions.
- You have strong communication skills. A big part of the job is having a vision for the HOA, and communicating that vision to the Board and to the community as a whole. Strong written and verbal communication skills can be invaluable assets.
- You love your community. Ultimately, the role of President is a role of service. You’re serving your community and the people who call it home. To do the job well, you really need to love your neighborhood, and your neighbors. Passion for your community is a major asset in this role.
Who Helps the President of the HOA?
There are so many tasks associated with being the Board President, from maintaining Board meeting records to coordinating with vendors to settling disputes between homeowners. The governing documents of your organization may outline an even broader range of responsibilities than we’ve listed here.
Naturally, it can seem overwhelming, but the President does not act alone. They find support not only from fellow Board members, but also from their management company. Indeed, the President and the community manager should work closely together, always seeking the greater good of the community.
If you live in the Carolinas and wish to speak with an experienced HOA management team, contact us. Kuester Management Group is one of the top HOA management companies in Charlotte, NC; and, we are proud to provide community and condo association management in Myrtle Beach. Reach out whenever you’d like to talk.