Tips for Peacefully Resolving Noise Disputes

One of the biggest challenges faced by condo- and apartment-dwellers is the reality of neighborly noise—whether music, loud talking, or an irritating alarm clock sounding from just beyond the walls of your abode. Such pesky noises pop up from time to time and can sometimes lead to disputes between neighbors. Sometimes, it becomes necessary for the HOA to step in and resolve these issues, but ideally, neighbors should try resolving noise disputes before it becomes too severe.

Here are a few tips that residents can use to help maintain good relations and foster understanding between one another; share these tips with your residents and see if they make a difference.

  • First and foremost, keeping a cool head is necessary. This is difficult to remember, in the heat of a frustrating moment, but it is great if neighbors can make sure they have met one another and are on friendly terms before questions of noise come up. Make sure you take the time to meet and greet your neighbor, and that you bring up the noise issue in a polite and civil fashion.
  • If you feel uncomfortable talking with your neighbor face-to-face, leave a polite and friendly note. Make sure to keep a dated copy of the note, which can be useful if the issue ever makes its way before the HOA board.
  • Exchange phone numbers with your neighbor and try texting one another should the noise ever become too loud—a great alternative to simply banging on your walls with a broomstick!
  • If a couple of friendly words to the neighbor fail to make an impact, take it to the HOA board and see if there are any suggestions they may have.

Noise disputes are going to happen in any close-knit community, but these tips can help residents resolve their issues in a constructive manner.

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Bryan Kuester

Bryan Kuester

Bryan is the CEO of Kuester Management Group. He has over 15 years of managing community associations throughout North and South Carolina.

His specialties include Community Association Management - maintenance, budgeting for operational and reserve funding, long-range planning, covenant enforcement, amenity management, onsite management, large scale management.