Many people live in HOA communities, but they’re not really involved in making it run. They may attend meetings now and then and vote on important issues, but they’re not spearheading the day-to-day or long-term operations. The HOA board takes on a lot of responsibility and does a lot of work behind-the-scenes to keep things running smoothly. So what does it take for the HOA to be successful?
A Vision and Goals: The HOA shouldn’t be running on autopilot. The board should have a clear vision of where the community is headed and goals in place to help it get there. This includes short- and long-term projects and a strategic plan. The entire community should be involved in creating an overall vision since it is for everyone’s benefit.
Leadership: There need to be people taking charge and ensuring that things get done. Typically, this is the Board. This does not mean that one person is doing it all themselves, but that there is a strong team leading the charge and ensuring tasks are delegated, deadlines are met, and issues are not falling through the cracks. Organization and efficiency are a must.
Business Sense: Running an HOA is similar to running a business. There are contracts to negotiate, vendor relationships to build, tough decisions to be made, and money to manage. The board should be composed of members with a variety of strengths and skill sets. They should prepare for HOA meetings like they would for a business meeting, since that’s essentially what it is.
Common Sense: Some rules seem great in theory, but they’re not so good in practice. It’s important to have balanced decision making and keep the best interest of the community in mind. The Board should take a logical approach, see situations from multiple perspectives, and be able to step back and look at the big picture. Just because a rule has been in place for decades doesn’t mean that it’s still practical today.
Communication: This should go without saying. Board members need to not only communicate with each other, but also with homeowners and other stakeholders. It’s important that everyone is informed about what is happening and is able to share their insight in a respectful manner. A community website, regular newsletters, e-mail blasts, and board meetings are just a few of the ways to share information.
Support: There are a lot of things to manage when running an HOA, and there is nothing wrong with asking for help. Successful HOAs know when to call in the professionals and seek assistance with administrative or financial responsibilities. Kuester can provide a wide range of support and management services to HOA communities to help them operate more effectively and efficiently. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!