Recruiting HOA social committee volunteers can be a bit of a challenge.
….Okay. It’s actually a big challenge.
Throwing events for the neighborhood may not seem like that big of a deal, but volunteer committees actually represent the future of your association. Tomorrow’s board members are often found devoting their spare time in an effort to make your community a better place to live today. If you’re considering recruiting HOA social committee volunteers, one thing to keep in mind is you’re looking for people with passion. Not necessarily a ton of extra time on their hands. There’s a big difference. Here are some tips for recruiting HOA social committee volunteers that stick around.
Be specific.
Figure out exactly why your neighbors would want to raise a hand. Do they have special talents? Are any of them excellent organizers or planners at home? How about work? Know any idea machines? Who throws the best dinner parties on your block?
It’s important to offer opportunities that allow people to contribute in the most meaningful ways they can.
Let’s say Suzy down the street is a graphic designer.
You’ve got a few different options:
1. Ask her if she’d like to volunteer.
2. Ask her if she’s interested in supervising your next children’s party for three hours.
3. Ask her if she’d be willing to spend one hour of her time designing a beautiful flyer for your event.
Whether it’s in person, via email, or written in the next issue of your neighborhood newsletter, you’re going to have a tough time recruiting HOA social committee volunteers if #1 is your strategy.
Here’s how #1 (throwing out a simple “JOIN US!”) works against you.
1. People don’t know why they should join.
2. People don’t know how they can contribute.
3. People don’t know what will be expected of them.
Vague = Hesitation.
… and that hesitation has nothing to do with whether or not people care.
Keep an eye out for our next post with even more tips for recruiting HOA social committee volunteers.
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Jen Sonshine is a communications strategist in Charlotte, NC. More.[/author_info] [/author]