Sometimes the toughest aspect of being an HOA board member is convincing other homeowners to do likewise—recruiting new volunteers for HOA Board service. To be totally blunt, your neighbors may see Board service as an unnecessary drain on their free time—and your job is to convince them that it is anything but.
Communicating the Importance of Board Service
The good news is that you can tell your neighbors that HOA Board service is important, and it won’t be a lie. A quorum of Board members is required to get anything done—so for any legal or financial issue that arises, any capital improvement or emergency maintenance need, or any meeting of the Association, having a full contingency of Board members is a must.
The consequences for not having enough Board members are dire. They can vary depending on your geography, but there is a good chance you’ll have a judge appointed to make decisions on behalf of the Association—a judge with no real knowledge of your community, and no vested interest in it. That’s something that nobody wants; keep this in mind as you try to communicate the urgent need for Board volunteers.
Setting the Record Straight
Even after you communicate the importance of Board service, would-be volunteers may remain reluctant, perhaps citing a lack of time. The best way to respond to this is to affirm that yes, volunteering is always going to require a time commitment, but by explaining how often and for how long your Board meets you can perhaps persuade them that it’s not as time-intensive as they fear.
Other homeowners may tell you that they’d simply prefer not to get wrapped up in Board politics and drama—suspecting, perhaps, that all HOA Boards are somehow dysfunctional. We’ve all heard horror stories of dysfunctional Boards, but the majority of Associations aren’t like that at all. Reassure would-be volunteers by explaining some of your Board’s positive achievements.
Finally, remember that you can’t force anybody to volunteer, and shouldn’t try to be too pushy. All you can do is be a good ambassador for your Board—having a winning, positive attitude and showing your passion for community service.