The HOA volunteers who serve on the board play a vital role in the development of the community. It is utterly imperative, then, that each association tries to find the right people for the job. Of course, this can be easier said than done—especially in smaller communities, or in any communities where participation and volunteerism are at relatively low levels.
Still, current HOA board members should ever be on the lookout for new faces, folks who could potentially make great HOA board members down the road. That’s one reason why it’s a great idea to have some kind of welcoming committee. When a new resident moves into the community, you can immediately greet them, mention the HOA to them, and get a preliminary assessment of whether or not they might one day be interested in board service.
You can also be on the lookout for people uniquely qualified for certain positions—for example, if a new accountant moves into the community, he or she will likely be identified right off the bat as a future nominee for HOA treasurer! A word of caution is in order, though: Remember that busy professionals may simply lack the time to serve within the community. A successful corporate executive might make a great HOA board member—but will he or she truly be able to commit to this kind of service?
With that said, it does not hurt to keep your eyes open for folks who possess some of the markings of a great HOA board member. Here are some potential, ideal things to look for:
- The President of your HOA board is someone who must have leadership and management skills, as well as an eye for the “big picture.” Someone with a background as an attorney or a CEO might work well, but again, make sure the person has the kind of time needed to truly serve the community properly.
- The person you choose for Vice-President is likely someone you will groom to take over as President one day—so those same qualities are important here.
- The Secretary should be someone organized, methodical, and with an eye for detail; a clerical worker, or paralegal, is ideal!
- Finally, your Treasurer should be someone who is good with numbers. An accountant is the obvious choice here.