It can be easy for homeowners to fall into a routine and not think much about the HOA. As long as they’re following the rules and paying their dues, someone else is making the decisions and keeping everything running smoothly. But getting homeowners more involved is a great way to make the HOA even better and make changes that improve everyone’s lives. The board may be doing an excellent job of managing the community, but with more input from homeowners, they can better focus their efforts moving forward.
But how can the HOA get homeowners more engaged?
Build connections. How many other homeowners do members know aside from those that live right around them? Hold social events where members can meet one another and have fun. Also make sure that board members are out and about mingling so that members can connect faces with names. Too often the only time homeowners get together is for formal meetings, so create other opportunities.
Highlight results. The board knows what it has accomplished, but do the members? When projects are completed, upgrades are made, or repairs are finished, let homeowners know. Show them that their concerns are being heard and addressed and that the board is getting results. Newsletters, emails, and social media are effective ways to stay in touch. Don’t forget to highlight accomplishments by members as well and their participation.
Provide opportunities. If you want more homeowners to get involved on committees or with events, appeal to their interests. Focus on different skill sets needed or areas you want to grow. Members often like using their talents in different ways or getting do something different than what they do at work all day. And you never know who has a hidden talent for planning events or making new homeowners feel welcomed and at ease in the community. Communicate opportunities regularly and try to get people who are already involved to promote them as well.
Gather feedback. Make it easy for homeowners to share their ideas, ask questions, or raise concerns – and let them know that the board is truly listening. This also goes back to highlighting results so members can see the board is working to get things done. If it’s time to renovate the playground or upgrade the clubhouse, find out what changes homeowners would like to see. What would make it more functional and attractive to them? After all, amenities are for their benefit.
When everyone works together, the HOA community can continue to grow and thrive. Participation and engagement are key to ensuring things run smoothly and creating an environment that everyone enjoys. If your HOA is having trouble connecting or communicating with members, contact Kuester today. Our skilled property managers can help your HOA function more effectively and efficiently.