Creating a Noteworthy HOA Newsletter

Let’s be realistic: the chances that homeowners are reading the HOA newsletter from cover to cover are slim. Time is precious and they don’t want to be bogged down reading page after page of information. At the same time, it is important that the board keep homeowners informed and up-to-date on important issues. So what can the HOA do to keep reader attention and get more benefit out of the newsletter?

  • Keep it short and sweet: Focus on the most important things you want homeowners to take away from the newsletter. Don’t spend a full page writing about something you could sum up in a few paragraphs. You can provide more detailed information on the HOA website if they’re interested.
  • Keep it upbeat: No one wants to read a newsletter full of rules and regulations. Provide polite reminders about specific rules that have been problematic, but also focus on the good things. Give a shout-out to members who have gone above and beyond or those who have stepped up and made a positive difference. Share news about upcoming community events in the neighborhood and also around town that homeowners may be interested in.
  • Break it up: Use bolding, columns, horizontal lines, bullet points, and other features to break text up and make it easier to read. Make sure that the format is appealing and consistent. If things look too chaotic, you’ll lose reader interest as well.
  • Share reminders: Have an upcoming board meeting or committee meetings? Let homeowners know where and when at a glance. When information is easy to find and not lost in a sea of text, readers may pay more attention.
  • Know your community: What information is important to homeowners in your community? Share articles or tips that are timely and relevant. Make sure they appeal to the majority instead of just a few individuals.
  • Timing is important: Rather than sending out a monthly newsletter where you’re scraping by to find information to fill a few pages, consider sending out the newsletter quarterly instead. You’ll have more time to gather newsworthy information and get more bang for your buck. Homeowners won’t feel as though they’re being bombarded with mail either.

During the time between newsletters, don’t forget to make the most of your HOA website and social media accounts. These can be great ways to keep homeowners informed on a more frequent basis. An occasional email blast for important issues can work well too. Don’t forget to post the newsletter online as well for easier access!

If your HOA is struggling with communication, the team at Kuester can help. Our skilled property managers can give your HOA the support and guidance it needs to be more successful.

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Bryan Kuester

Bryan Kuester

Bryan is the CEO of Kuester Management Group. He has over 15 years of managing community associations throughout North and South Carolina.

His specialties include Community Association Management - maintenance, budgeting for operational and reserve funding, long-range planning, covenant enforcement, amenity management, onsite management, large scale management.