Case: HOA Board Meetings Run Over Three Hours
Background: Located in Huntersville, North Carolina, the Monteith Park HOA encompasses a full 579 developments—among them 87 townhomes, four duplexes, and the rest single family homes. In addition, there is a recreational facility that includes a clubhouse, swimming pools, and a playground, plus common areas that include multiple parks, nature walks, and conservation areas.
Problem: The HOA Board at Monteith Park has endured infamously long meetings over the years—most of them well past the three-hour mark. These meetings have resulted from long-winded discussion but yielded minimal decision-making—creating feelings of frustration and fatigue among HOA Board members.
Action: Kuester Management Group implemented a number of systems, including timed agendas and a new management report form. The management report is sent a day or two in advance of the meeting, providing notification of all information about ongoing projects as well as the general status of the Association. The report is not reviewed at meetings except in instances where an item generates specific questions. The timed agenda, meanwhile, ensures that all discussion is legitimate and oriented toward action steps. Finally, the project management platform is used to keep Board members informed and in the loop throughout the month, cutting back on the amount of exposition that meetings require.
Outcome: Through there is still some long-winded discussion, Board volunteers have recognized that shorter meetings are possible, and are making an effort toward continuous efficiency improvements. Already, meeting times have been cut to just two hours.