Summer in the Carolinas can get HOT. That means that your lawn may need a little extra care and attention to keep it healthy and looking its best. Having a regular routine and paying attention to how your lawn is responding can make a difference. For instance, you don’t want to keep watering if your lawn is already fairly saturated or is showing signs of disease.
As summer ramps up, here are some helpful tips for your lawncare needs:
- Know Your Grass
The type of grass you have in your yard can affect how you should care for it. For instance, cool season grasses such as tall fescue often turn brown during the summer as temperatures rise. This doesn’t mean the grass is dead; it is just dormant. On the other hand, if you do not have cool season grass in your yard and it is still turning brown, it could be due to lack of water or nutrients, or there may be disease or pests to blame.
It can be a good idea to allow your grass to grow a little longer during the summer to provide more shade to the soil so that it retains moisture better, and so the roots of the grass can grow deeper. Make sure you are using a sharp blade on your mower to keep it from ripping the grass, and only trim about one-third of the height at a time. You may need to adjust the height of your blade.
- Be Strategic with Watering
Your lawn only needs about one inch of water per week. Doing a deep watering early in the morning two or three days a week can be more effective than daily surface watering. Watering in the morning also allows the moisture to soak in before the heat of the day. If you water later in the evening, there is nothing to help dry up some of the moisture, and this can lead to mold and bacteria growth in your grass. Don’t forget to pay attention to when there will be rain in the forecast as well, because this can reduce the need for watering.
- Mulch Grass Clippings
Rather than letting long clippings just lie on the grass, or taking the time to rake them all up, use a mower that has a mulching feature. This will chop up the clippings and provide nutrients for the soil to support a healthier lawn. Letting clippings lie on their own without being mulched can lead to rotting or dead spots in your lawn. Depending on the type of grass you have, summer may be a good time to aerate or fertilize as well.
Your lawn may not stay a lush green all summer, but with the proper care, it can stay healthy year-round. The more you learn about your grass type and how to care for it, the better off you’ll be. If you’re having trouble caring for your lawn, talk to a professional for more tips and advice tailored to your yard.
The HOA should also be working alongside its landscape provider to ensure that common areas are well maintained. If work is being done, notify homeowners so that they know to avoid the area or take extra precautions. Kuester is happy to help HOAs vet and manage vendors to find the best landscapers for their needs so their community continues to look its best. Contact us today to learn more.