4 Ways to Get People to Your HOA Meeting Attendance Up!
Members of the HOA Board meet with regularity, and there should be at least one meeting per year in which the entire community is encouraged to attend. Getting homeowners to show up for meetings is often an uphill climb, however—even for the big annual meeting. For Board members looking to boost homeowner meeting attendance, there are a few quick strategies to consider:
- Advertise the event. This may seem obvious, yet it is amazing how often HOA Boards forget to publicize the event until it’s just a week away. Send out information as far in advance as you can. Put up flyers. Mention the meeting regularly on social media. Ask homeowners to mark the date on their calendars, and allow them plenty of lead time to do so.
- Make it a social event. If you make your event into a Saturday luncheon, an informal Sunday evening dinner or snack time, an ice cream social, or some other kind of “fun” event, you’ll likely get a better turnout—especially among younger families.
- Share the agenda. Let homeowners know what you’ll be discussing at the meeting. If you’re making decisions about things like parking, playground space, or the payment of dues, people are going to want to show up to have their voice heard.
- Offer some incentives. Though it may seem gimmicky, there is ultimately nothing wrong with holding a drawing or a raffle at the event, or simply promising a big “surprise” announcement or prize of some sort. Just make sure you actually deliver on any promises that you make!
Meeting attendance is likely always going to be a challenge. That’s just the nature of the beast. By following these strategies, though, you can drive attendance numbers higher than you’ve seen them in the past.